Dr. Leo Gutierrez

BE (Mining Engineering); MSc. and PhD. (Environmental Engineering) – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Post-Doc: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology at Saudi Arabia; Post-Doc: Curtin University of Technology at Australia.

Google Scholar: Leonardo Gutierrez
Scopus ID: 35186188000
ORCID: 0000-0001-7573-6635
ResearcherID: C-2895-2016

Brief Bio

Dr. Gutierrez is an expert in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) studies and has extensive experience in the field of colloidal/interfacial chemistry. He applies sophisticated experimental techniques that aid in the elucidation of the dominant interacting mechanisms between organic compounds and colloids, including viruses, bacteria, and surfaces. His core training at the Seitz Materials Research Laboratory (UIUC) included: (Cryo) Transmission electron microscopy, (Environmental) Scanning electron microscopy, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, (Time-Resolved) Dynamic Light Scattering, and Streaming (Zeta) Potential-Electrophoretic mobility measurements. In addition, Dr. Gutierrez received specialized training in bio-safety (Vet-Med School at UIUC) levels 1 and 2 (handling/growing/purification of pathogens, bacteria, viruses, phages, and cell stocks), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM-contact and tapping mode) coupled with Raman Spectroscopy, Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation technique, and Synchrotron-based Small Angle X-Ray Scattering. Dr. Gutierrez has collaborated with multidisciplinary teams of prestigious Universities and National Labs (e.g., Yale University, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Curtin University of Technology, MASDAR Institute of Technology, Argonne National Lab at Chicago, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University, etc.). All his research projects resulted in publications in international peer-reviewed journals (e.g. ES&T, Water Research, Langmuir, Soft Matter, etc.), and have been presented in international conferences (e.g. American Chemical Society, Materials Research Society, Euromembranes, etc.). Dr. Gutierrez is currently holding a Full-Professor position at Universidad Del Pacífico (Ecuador), where he develops characterization techniques at the nano-scale.

Research Interests

The current research interests of Dr. Gutierrez are mainly focused in Natural Organic Matter (i.e., a ubiquitous and highly heterogeneous mixture of organic compounds of different chemical compositions, structures, and properties) interfacial interactions with surfaces and colloids. Two broad scenarios are considered: a) natural aquatic environments, and b) membrane technology. Specific topics include: the impact of OM on fate and transport of (capped) nanomaterials (i.e., silver or MnO2 nanoparticles, micro/nano plastics and fibers) in natural aquifers and (waste) water treatment systems; interactions between organic matter and metal oxides and its impact on catalytic oxidation processes (i.e., targeting both ceramic membrane applications and processes in natural water environments. Additionally, the characterization of nanomechanical properties of membranes (ultrafiltration hollow fibers, ionic exchange membranes, dense membranes) and (organic/bio) foulants are of special interest.